Bacon Butternut Bake: A New Recipe

Hi all! This week I am trying something new: a baked dish consisting of bacon, butternut, mince meat, and tomato sauce. Please follow the recipe below of how I made this and make this your own recipe! It came out really good.

Step 1: Prepare the Meat

For this recipe, I used two types of meat: thick-cut bacon and minced meat. I browned both till almost burnt, as I find this gives the best flavour. Set this aside.





Step 2: Prepare the Butternut

I know most people roast their butternut in the oven, but I find that using a cast iron pan and oil works the best; it is a bit more labour intensive, but the end product is superior. Cube the butternut and "shallow fry" the cubes until brown and fragrant.




Step 3: Prepare the Tomato Sauce

For the sauce, I use onion, garlic and carrot. I fry this lightly until golden before I add a can of Tomatoes (whole and peeled). I cook this down till it is a thick sauce.



Step 4: Assemble

In the final step before baking, I assemble everything. I mix the meat and the butternut and add cubed cheese. I used Cheddar and Goude cheese (and I sneaked in some feta cheese as well (not in the picture)). I also add the tomato sauce.


Step 5: Bake!

I baked this dish for about 20 minutes or just till the cheese has melted. I have a big oven so the temp is quite hot for a normal oven but I baked this at 220C. The final product was delicious! I hope you give this a try.
