Expecting a Symphony of Color in the Garden Soon: September 8 2021
I am expecting, hoping, a spectacular symphony of color in the garden very soon. I have some images of roughly a year ago and how the garden looks like now. Last year, the pants were smaller, this year, with loads of great rainfall, the plants grew bigger. I am expecting and hoping that this year the flowers will be even better than last year. Herewith also an update on my garden project! And I started a new garden as well. I have made so many cuttings that grew into nice plants that were ready to be transplanted. But first, see my ice-cream and the setting sun! Please enjoy the images I took throughout a very busy day.
Ice-cream and the Setting Sun
Update on the Garden Project
I started a garden from scratch in January 2021. Since then, the garden took over. I had a successful run of rocket/arugula and mustard greens. Hence the lack of plants in the middle. Sadly, the butterflies got a chance to lay their eggs in the rocket plants, so I had to take them out. The other plants are coming along nicely. See the first image of January and the one I took today.
Expecting a Symphony of Color in the Garden Very Soon
Spring is always late, and we had some chilly weather still recently. Hence, the delay in all the flowers opening up. I really am excited to see what this summer will have installed for us. See the images of almost exactly a year ago and how the plants are looking now, almost ready to bloom!
Vygies, September 2021
Vygies, September 2020
Sewe-Jaartjies, September 2021
(Here you can see how the flower is developing.)
Sewe-Jaartjies, November 2020
New-New Garden Project
At the back of our home there is municipal ground. It is covered in grass and just doesn’t look good. I since began to cover portions of it with indigenous plants. No one has stopped me yet. Here is just what I planted today.
The following image or photograph is from the above garden or the other new garden project. These plants were made from cuttings as well. They grew this big in merely 9 months. I cannot wait for the plants I planted today to get this big:
Picking Flowers for the Kitchen
Spring flowers compels you to pick a bunch of them. I picked some for the kitchen. I prefer the flowers outside unplucked for the bees and insects to play with. But picking only a few might not hurt! And they are so beautiful!
In any case, I hope you are active, healthy and well. Smell a flower, see the beauty, and enjoy the moment. Being alive is special.
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